Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Utility Software

What is Utility Software?
What is Application Software?

List six of each

Identify Utility Software using online resources and research

For this task you will need headphones

Use this resource to watch videos and complete quizzes on Software

1. Login into your school email then goto Go to and log in by clicking 

2. Choose CREATE > Flashcards 

3. Make revision flash cards for the Utility Software listed below:
  • Antivirus
  • Spyware Protection
  • Firewall
  • Disk Formatting
  • File Transfer
  • Defragmentation

Pair up with a buddy and test each others knowledge on Utility Software using the flash cards

Monday, 7 December 2015

What is the difference between black box testing and white box testing?

Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is not known to the tester. Tester is mainly concerned with the validation of output rather than how the output is produced(functionality of the item under test is not important from tester's pov). 

White Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester. tester validates the internal structure of the item under consideration along with the output.
Programming knowledge and implementation knowledge (internal structure and working) is required in White Box testing, which is not necessary in Black Box testing.   

Black box testing is done by the professional testing team and can be done without knowledge of internal coding of the item. White Box testing is generally done by the programmers who have developed the item or the programmers who have an understanding of the item's internals..


Click here to download the Storyboard Templates

Moodboard and Storyboards is a maximum of 11 marks

A student must have recorded progress from the initial moodboard,through design 
prototyping and testing, to the final game and include evidence of:

  • the entire design process with evidence of extensive testing and detailed response to user feedback
  • full justification of design decision
  • development of a wide range of effective assets.

How can you make sure that your storyboards will meet this descriptor?


You need to first draw the storyboards for each screen on paper

1. Main Screen
2. Instructions
3. Story (from Overiview)
4. Level 1
5. Level 2
6. Level 3
7. Level 4
8. Level 5
9. Win Screen
10. Lose Screen

Click here for your Storyboard sheets

The drawings need to be detailed but you only have to draw the backgrounds, not the 

  • By the End of the lesson:

    Create 5 drawings - Need to work a little faster
    Create 6-7 drawings - Get Miss to check and you will get a GREEN
    Create 8-10 drawings - Get Miss to check and you will get a GOLD (prize)\\

    Plenary: Give feedback to your buddy on back of paper