Thursday, 24 March 2016

Trends in Computing

  • Describe a development in computing
  • Describe different examples of the use / application of that technology and their impact
  • Use key technical terms when describing their development
  • Describe examples of ethcial, social and legal considerations related to their chosen development

Monday, 21 March 2016

Unit 4: Computer Language, Staying Safe and Networks

Understand how to decode binary numbers and convert them to letters using ASCII.

    Unit 4: Staying Safe

    Unit 4: Networks

    Be able to recognise the different types of computer networks and where they are used

    Network Simulation Tool Download

    1. Launch Microsoft Visio

    2. Create a LAN that includes at least:
    • 5 Computers
    • A Printer
    • A Server

    Unit 4: Input and Output and Computer Components

    Understand the differences between input and output devices
    Recognise where sensors are used in everyday objects

    Unit 4: Computer Components

    Be able to recognise the key components that make up a computer and identify their functionality

    Thursday, 3 March 2016



    Scratch cards - These might help you 

    Diamond Hunt Evidence Template
    Checklist - Use this to tick off when you have completed a task

    Lesson 21 Resource 1 - Task Sheet
    Lesson 21 Resource 2 - Diamond Hunt Game

    Practice flowchart symbols
    Flowchart symbols
    Drag and Drop Activity Symbols 
    Drag and Drop Activity Alarm

    Lesson 23 Resource 1 - Variable annotations
    Lesson 24 Resource 1 - Repeat Until annotations
    Lesson 25 Resource 1 - Practice Scratch Game - Broadcast

    Wednesday, 2 March 2016

    Period 2 Cover 17th March 2016


    Hello everyone sorry I am missing your lesson today.

    Please spend today's lesson finishing your own original backgrounds for the five different levels of your game

    Same size as other screens 640 v 480 saved as a PNG

    Think about different types of background we could use in our scenario I emailed you this information before

    Please email me all five of your level screens at the end of the lesson

    here are some example game backgrounds

    No need for headphones or mobile phones


    Introduction to binary

    Learning Objectives:
    • Define the terms bit, nibble, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte
    • Understand that data needs to be converted into a binary format to be processed by a computer
    • Convert positive denary whole numbers (0-255) into 8-bit binary numbers and vice versa

    Data Representation L1 Introduction to binary

    Data Representation Worksheet 1 Binary to denary conversion

    Data Representation Homework 1 Introduction to binary

    ASCII Codes

    Tuesday, 1 March 2016

    Play And Learn - Game Interface

    Lesson Objectives 
    LO1 - To appreciate what makes an effective game interface

    Red - You will have created at least 2 interface screens
    Amber - You will have created at least 4 interface screens
    Green - You will have created all interface screens


    • What do you need to work on in today's lesson


    1. Main Menu (Start/Home Screen)
    2. Help (What you have to do/Backstory/Aim of the game)
    3. Instructions (How to use the game)
    4. Winner Screen
    5. Loser Screen
    6. Any other screens that are relevant to your game
    7. Start creating the backgrounds for your level


      • DOWNLOAD THE ASSETS TABLE FROM HERE - make sure that record your interface screens as primary assets and any image from the internet as secondary assets
      • Make sure all of your game screens have been saved as PNG file