Friday, 29 June 2018

Past, Present or Future (Think you are finished?)

You have an updated mark sheet on your school email please read and action or look at the points below

All files should be accessible via Google Classroom click here

If you think you have finished make sure that you have done everything on this checklist:

  1. Mark Grid
    • Have you found and read your mark grid on Google Drive
    • Have you done everything on there?
  2. Assets Table
    • make sure all images / sounds / videos from your game / promo / review are included in it
  3. Development Log A
    • Have you tested everything that your game does?
  4. Development Log B
    • Have you got at least 20 feedback comments?
  5. Game
    • Could you add more levels?
    • Can you save the game?
    • Can you pause the game?
    • Have you added a favicon?
    • Have you add a loading screen?
    • Use the help sheets at to help you
  6. Homepage
    • Open your homepage online
    • Make sure all your links work
    • Fix any broken links add any missing links
  7. CiDA Improvements Classroom
    • Join the CIDA Improvements Class on Google Classroom (3g993a)
    • Look at the exemplars can you see anything you could use to improve your work