Monday, 8 October 2018

Year 11 Past Present and Future what should you have done?

Game overview
A game overview which outlines:
Background Story
Target Audience
Purpose Objective
PEGI Rating
Elements TableA record of all assets you have used both primary and secondary
A complete moodboard
Annotated photos of your moodboard
Feedback comments
Main Menu Storyboard
Instruction Screen Storyboard
Tutorial Level Storyboard
Level 1 Storyboard
Level 2 Storyboard
Level 3 Storyboard
Level 4 Storyboard
Level 5 Storyboard
Win Screen Storyboard
Lose Screen Storyboard
Development Log
Section A – Formative Testing
Section B – User Feedback
Section C – Teacher Comments
Section D – Design Changes
Menu screen working
Instruction Screen working
Tutorial level working
At least 5 working levels
Win Screen Working
Lose Screen Working
Loading screen working
Favicon working
Music working
Sound effects working
Instruction Manual
Front cover
Contents page
Back story
Copyright Notice
PEGI Rating
Video clips of game in action
Suitable music / voice over
Comments / quotes about your game
A release date
What console(s) it will be released on
technical details
strengths and weaknesses
user ratings for different aspects of game play
comments from game reviewers

Friday, 29 June 2018

Past, Present or Future (Think you are finished?)

You have an updated mark sheet on your school email please read and action or look at the points below

All files should be accessible via Google Classroom click here

If you think you have finished make sure that you have done everything on this checklist:

  1. Mark Grid
    • Have you found and read your mark grid on Google Drive
    • Have you done everything on there?
  2. Assets Table
    • make sure all images / sounds / videos from your game / promo / review are included in it
  3. Development Log A
    • Have you tested everything that your game does?
  4. Development Log B
    • Have you got at least 20 feedback comments?
  5. Game
    • Could you add more levels?
    • Can you save the game?
    • Can you pause the game?
    • Have you added a favicon?
    • Have you add a loading screen?
    • Use the help sheets at to help you
  6. Homepage
    • Open your homepage online
    • Make sure all your links work
    • Fix any broken links add any missing links
  7. CiDA Improvements Classroom
    • Join the CIDA Improvements Class on Google Classroom (3g993a)
    • Look at the exemplars can you see anything you could use to improve your work

Thursday, 26 April 2018


Please click here and enable Flash to learn and program your lightbot

Lightbot Sheet please download and work on the tasks

Challange sheet please click Here

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Revision Quizlets

GSCE Subject Password
RS pixl2018rs
Technology pixl2018technology
Media Studies pixl2018mediastudies

Drama pixl2018drama
English AQA pixl2018englishaqa
English Edexcel pixl2018edexcel 
English Eduqas pixl2018englisheduqas
English Lit pixl2018englishlit
History pixl2018history
Btec pixl2018btec
Foundation Maths pixl2018foundation
Higher Maths pixl2018higher
Biology pixl2018biology
PE  pixl2018pe
Chemistry pixl2018chemistry
Physics pixl2018physics
English OCR pixl2018englishocr
French pixl2018french
Spanish  pixl2018spanish
German pixl2018german
CS pixl2018cs
Geography pixl2018geography 
Music pixl2018music

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Year 10 CiDA - Build It - Instructions

Build It - Instructions

Your game must have clear user instructions so that anyone in the target audience is able to play the game without further help.

You may want to include the instructions in the game, have an onscreen help file, a separate publication, or a combination.

Monday, 26 March 2018


When you are writing your design decisions use these questions as a guide. 

  • What image/background will you have. How is it relevant to your audience/scenario?
  • What will the character have to do in the level?
  • Would the overall style work with your theme/scenario? How?
  • Why did you choose the font? Give examples of fonts used?
  • How many enemies will there be in the level? Why?
  • What collectables will you have in the level? Why?
  • How many collectables will you have in the level? Why?
  • Describe music and give examples. How will the music make you feel when you are playing the game?
  • Why have you positioned the platforms in that particular way?
  • Where is the entry / exit to level. What made you decide on their position?
  • Where is the character at the beginning of the level - why?

Friday, 16 March 2018

Gaming Review for CiDA

You must produce a review of your game that would be suitable for publication in an on-screen computer games magazine.

Ask game reviewers to play your game and give you feedback.

The review should include: 

  • technical details
  • strengths and weaknesses
  • user ratings for different aspects of game play
  • comments from game reviewers.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Promote It - CiDA

Promote It

 You must produce a promotional product (promo) for your game that:
encourages members of the target audience to play the game
makes use of appropriate assets from the game.

This should be a digital multimedia product.

You must NOT use presentation software for this task.